

May is a very busy month for me, with lots of design shows, meetings and the dreaded flat hunting. For my monthly ‘Styling the seasons’ post I wanted to show my make shift desk area in the corner of my living room. I’m working at the dining table while the rest of my flat is in utter chaos from prepping to pack.

In contrast with my chaotic schedule and mess in the home I’ve created a corner of organised calm.

STYLING THE SEASONS MAY | Hannah in the house

I made this hanging poster roll with leather string and wooden beads, perfect for my to note down my to do list and ideas. The beads just make it look pretty. I was inspired to make this when I saw this #TheEverydaySpruce DIY wall planner on the fab blog Growing Spaces. As this desk area is temporary I thought that a simple hanging wall planner would be best for me. I love it!



My diary is jam packed! I’m really trying to avoid the stress so there’s careful planning involved. The wall planner and diary are so important. Plus it helps if they look pretty! I really can’t concentrate with clutter, having a clean and minimal workspace helps clear my mind ready to face this mad month.

Styling the seasons | Hannah in the house

To keep my temporary desk clutter free I’ve put any unnecessary items in my zinc trunk (from a few years ago). I always keep a few reference books close by, along with my diary, a note pad and laptop. Adding some plants and a something a little quirky can help make a workspace a bit more interesting.

Styling the seasons | Hannah in the house

Hansel is shattered, he’s been busy protesting the impending move by chewing up all of my boxes and spitting them out on the floor! Thanks Hansel, NOT helpful, you’d never tell by looking at this innocent pic, ha!

Hansel | Hannah in the houseStyling the seasons is a collaborative project by bloggers Katy from Apartment Apothecary and Charlotte from Lotts & Lots.  Where they ask for bloggers like me to share a surface or corner of our home and style it to represent what that month means to us. As you can see, this month I’m craving calm! I wonder what next month will bring?……

H x


  • Reply Katy May 21, 2015 at 7:02 pm

    Oh wow, that hanging planner is fab! Looks brilliant. I really identify with needing to be in a clutter free, tidy surroundings in order to concentrate. Hopefully you’ll find a place soon so you can get back to normal ready for summer xxx

    • Reply Hannah May 21, 2015 at 7:15 pm

      Thanks Katy! DIY hanging planner up on the blog soon. xx

  • Reply Nomita | Ebabee May 21, 2015 at 7:43 pm

    Just discovered your blog and really enjoying looking around. That planner is such a good idea. I am in the middle of a house renovations project and when it’s done I’m going to have my own little study. Would love to make something like that planner. Might even make a fun one for my daughters room as she is constantly in need of paper!

    • Reply Hannah May 25, 2015 at 9:35 pm

      Thanks Nomita 🙂 The planner has now been blogged so please check it out! It’s so easy to make, perfect for your daughters room! And can be made in 10 minutes which is a bonus. x

  • Reply Heather May 25, 2015 at 5:32 pm

    This looks so lovely and calm – thanks so much for the mention!

    • Reply Hannah May 25, 2015 at 5:56 pm

      Thanks Heather 🙂 I really love your wall planner and can’t wait to make one like that as soon as I can drill into my walls. The life of a renter….

  • Reply Charlotte Smith May 25, 2015 at 9:32 pm

    This is wonderful, I love how orderly and calm everything is. Good luck with your move the planner is a very good idea!

    • Reply Hannah May 25, 2015 at 9:53 pm

      Thanks Charlotte! Ha if only everything else behind the camera was so calm! Great to find a little space to be peaceful though. Thanks again and yes fingers crossed on the move! ah! x

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