
What’s in a name? – A fresh start, changing my blog name to Hannah Trickett

Hannah Trickett

You may have noticed that my blog name has changed. I’ve said goodbye Hannah in the house and welcomed Hannah Trickett. As sometimes you just need a change.

Why you ask? Well it has been some time coming. I started Hannah in the house 9 years ago. Originally a small tumblr account then onto WordPress. The name was a fun take on the fact I was spending all of my time in the house due to my health condition. Though I never intended it to become a business but it did however become just that. Plus I needed to work. The name stuck, the business grew and I was happy.

Leading up to my 36th birthday, this year in February, I had been contemplating moving the direction of my business somehow. Not drastically but like any business, it should evolve. I’m still contemplating and working things out in my head.

There were some clear signs that I needed to shift my priorities such as;
– Affiliate companies emailing me to say were closing my account due to inactivity. I didn’t care at all. I was relived. Obviously was a sign that they were not the right fit for me.
– Feeling really crap about myself and my work on instagram, constantly comparing my work and my appearance.
– Listening to too many ‘self help’ business podcasts and getting anxiety from them too. Yes I’ve taken the Myers–Briggs 16 personalities test, if it interests you, personality type is a Mediator INFP-T.

As you can see there were signs I needed a change. And since speaking up about these thoughts, I have found that I’m not alone. Many people feel the same way. So the change it starts with the blog name.

Hannah Trickett interior design writer and stylist.

What I do know is that simply changing the blog name to (Hannah Trickett being my name if you’d hadn’t guessed) has made me feel much more confident about what I want to learn, share and create. It’s crazy how old titles can subconsciously hold you back.

My next focus is to strengthen my skills, including those from my previous careers, which I buried for some reason. Combining those with the skills I have today excites me. Not only that but I aim to be more open as I think one of the many reasons I was crippled with anxiety was because of a negative social media trap. Everyone else seemed like they had their life perfectly planned, they had their shit together but that gave me the impression that I didn’t. We all have our own pace and rhythm for work, reasons why we are tired and might not have the things we wish for. Being different is why life is interesting.

But don’t ask me exactly what I’m doing just yet, I’m thinking aloud.

Time will tell.

Hannah Trickett x


  • Reply Abi | These Four Walls blog March 14, 2019 at 11:14 am

    I love your honesty Hannah, and it sounds like a really exciting new direction for you. I love your work and can’t wait to see what you do next! Abi x

  • Reply Catherine March 16, 2019 at 12:31 am

    I can totally relate…! Plus, I am also born in February and I am a INFJ! I think it is a sign we should meet up 😉
    I find you inspiring and I am on board wherever your blog takes us / whatever direction you give your blog.

  • Reply Watching from the sidelines - Reshaping my business and relationship with social media - Hannah Trickett October 22, 2020 at 1:21 pm

    […] connected with the blog name ‘Hannah in the house’ any longer, I changed my blog for my name sake. Which I did for my birthday in 2019. This was a positive step to embrace my own creativity and not […]

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